Master Healing Layout Workshop
Dates TBA
Many years and study have led to this beautiful layout of crystals and stones to hold, place on and around your body. This layout has been created with love and assistance of many clients, colleagues and individuals who have a passion, as do I, in working with the Mineral Kingdom.
The stones and crystals that have offered their assistance are very excited to work with and support you on your path to open and explore. The intention of meditating with this group of stones and crystals is to create Mastery and Integration of the Ego. As you receive the healing images and messages from this layout and become conscious of your actions, feel aligned and centered it allows you to flow with consciousness, wisdom, harmony, love and peace in this world. This set, you will notice, is specialized in bringing about that which has been hidden, places in which we justify or deceive ourselves, both positive gifts and attributes as well as our shadow side that may manipulate and control. My wish is that you stand tall and take your place as a powerful light worker on this Earth! Use these stones with the intention to transmute the shadow into empowerment and ask to receive positive support so that you consciously radiate and share your wisdom with confidence.
This Mini Workshop will guide you in how to:
~Lay the stones on and around your body.
~Learn more about each stone and how it works individually.
~Two other layouts. Stress reliever and Cleansing and Engerizing your field.
~ A guided meditation to use when placing the stones on your body.
Crystals be will available to purchase that are part of this set that you do no already own or you are welcome to come and experience the set without purchase.
Much gratitude goes to Judy Hall, Melody and Gemisphere for their pioneering work that I have found invaluable as well as reassuring of my own experience of listening to what these beings have to share with us.