Nature of the Soul Testimonials
NOS has enhanced and widened my perspective on everything. In a way, it’s like getting an eye exam and being able to see with 20/20 vision. Closeup and distance things are much clearer than before. The course provides tools that are useful and practical yet enriching as well. Susan breaks down the Wisdom of NOS into lessons, techniques, and meditations that help to make life and the challenging energy of the times we are in a little easier to navigate and understand.
Thanks so much for all of the teachings. I’m looking forward to teacher training in September.
Sarah L
Nature of the Soul is a fundamental 2-year Course for EVERYONE to take part in at some point in their lifetime here on Earth. The benefits from these teachings are so valuable, life-changing- in self-growth and evolution in frequencies we can't even imagine that will enhance your well-being and the well-being of Humanity.
The teacher, Susan Buonocore, is an angel sent from heaven, I truly believe. When there is so much information, knowledge, and tools to learn, the Teacher becomes an extremely important factor in how he/she connects with her students and her level of communicating, understanding, and creating unity within the class. Susan is a phenomenal teacher; with her kind voice, humor, and a great laugh, and her genuine concern for all her students to understand each class. She is always accessible to share your journey with her and any questions you might have.
This course came at a very difficult time for me in my personal life and I am so grateful for the teachings in this course that saved my life by finding the courage within by using the meditations, tools, and the great support from Susan's enlightening teachings during this course which truly helped me get through it all. I, now, have these precious tools on a higher frequency of healing that I can use for a lifetime, and beyond, with myself and with helping others --- Humanity.
Thank you, Susan, for your support, time, energy, encouragement, enlightenment, and kindness.
I am grateful for the Nature of Soul Course and my transformation which continues!
In loving light.
Dianne Rini/ "Healthy Life" Coach/ Light Worker
PS. And for the angel who made it possible for me to continue this course, thank you! From my heart, I greatly appreciate your kindness and support.
If you choose to embark on the journey that is Nature of the Soul I hope your experience will be as rich as mine. Moving through the Seven Ray meditations literally changed my world on the inside and on the outside. At times it was challenging as some relationships fell away and new ones formed but through it all, I felt supported. I believe I am the better for it!
Our teacher SUSAN is patient and kind and intuitive. She creates a safe place to learn and has the highest level of integrity, she will be there for you every step of the way.
I highly recommend this course.
MM, Ireland
"For a good part of my life, I've been on a spiritual path that has taken me to great readings, inquiries, and studies through great teachers of different disciplines--all of which have proven to be profound, life-altering, and truth-filled. And yet it was not until taking this course that I came to experience on a deeper level with a visceral understanding that this life is nothing if not a journey of the soul towards the Divine. While I have known this intellectually for many years, something shifted with this class through its teachings and meditations. And although my steps are baby steps, I now walk with a different awareness, I think with different thoughts, and I see with a different vision. I am so grateful to Susan for being one of my life's teachers and for being so tolerant and patient with my questions. I am so looking forward to taking this course again, again and again."
CR- Los Angeles, CA
"Taking the NOS class was like stepping into the abyss. I had no idea at the time what I was getting myself into, BUT I felt called to participate. What is 'stepping into the abyss' like? For me, some of it was like seeing and understanding 'truths' that simply live in my consciousness. Like looking into a mirror and seeing a reflection of myself that is a bit older, wiser, and full of more light. Other parts of it were like seeing, but not yet fully understanding the implications of ancient 'truth' that is a bit further removed from my present consciousness. With this experience of not fully understanding all of the material presented, it gave me the opportunity to sit in the experience and not attach any meaning, belief, criticism, or judgment to it... trusting that those ideas that seem dimly lit at present will become more brilliant in the right time for myself and/or for others. This course stretched the flexibility of my mind and inspired a renewed interest and excitement around my own spirit, mind, body connection. I will be joining the class to experience it all again!
Thank you, Susan!"
Nicole- Santa Monica, CA
"A two-year journey she says. Where did the time go? Nature of the Soul, what is that anyway? So let me begin. The experience of the class itself is exciting with new friendships that developed into a family, learning amazing material, and an opportunity to better myself. All good right? If that was the only thing that happens. It's a journey beyond time and space into that place where everything makes sense. Susan enlightens the depths of your soul and fires you up from your own point of creation. Empowering. The wisdom is powerful and through the journey, we realize we have the ability to stand humbled and ready for the greatest of change. We are capable of recreating a different and euphoric heaven environment again, right here. Students will all stand together and create our version. I will be in future classes with newer groups as much as I can to watch the wonder and the light in the eyes of all of my family when it hits you. That clarity when you see and feel the magic. Thank you so much for offering this to me, Susan. What an indescribable and profound gift. You're remarkable and I cherish the day we met."
Khepri ~~ Los Angeles, CA
"My 2-year journey through Nature of Soul has validated my innate inner knowing but also provided me new insight into the mystery of our interconnectedness. I am so grateful to be integrating this esoteric wisdom with this language and meditative awareness during my current incarnation.”
CLH - Pacific Palisades, CA
The encounter with other perceivers continually assures me that there is more to anything, or to the world than I myself can perceive at any moment.
-David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World
The above quote is used to make a comparison to the Nature of the Soul class presented on Good Heart Studio.
I found the Nature of the Soul journey offered me the same sensing, knowledge, and awakening into inward wisdom.
This study comes alive under the deft and knowledgeable hand of Susan Buonocore.
A.L. Tennesse